Earlier today, I was reading La Dolce Vita, a GREAT blog by Houstonian Paloma Contreras when I was tickled to see her post on Hanna Brooks Nation, a cute-as-a-button graphic designer whom developed what I consider quite possibly the most handy and innovative iPhone app, named POST. POST is the modern answer to a busy gals {or guys} social life.....while of course our mothers taught us that a nice paper invitation and a handwritten thank you note are the only ways to go––and we absolutely employ that as often as possible–– but sometimes we need to do things quicklike and here, Ms. Hanna grants us a new way to still have manners yet be efficient {and cute!} all at the same time.....
Because, let's face it––oftentimes, life doesn't give us time to plan. Sometimes the thrill of spontaneity is more alluring than the well-thought-out dinner party detailing everything down to the minutiae and we just want to throw an impromptu gathering with out all of the pomp-and-circumstance {In three hours notice}. Why opt for dry text or email {with no pizzazz} stating: "Cocktails and hors d' oeuvres •• Starts at 6 in my garden" {blah! how boring!} When the brilliance of POST allows us to send that invitation just as quickly and with style! Look at a few of the designs that she has included in her package; they are absolutely adorable!!
I could not help but firing away to all of my friends immediately after I downloaded it.

Doesn't this just make you so happy inside??

Don't hesitate, download this nifty {and thrifty} little app right now! It's only ninety-nine cents for gawd sakes!
Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do––and have a last-minute gathering this weekend, you won't regret it, I promise!
Good weekend to everyone!